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 When Robots Don't Shut Up [ Zorzi + Giuliano ]

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When Robots Don't Shut Up [ Zorzi + Giuliano ] Empty
PostSubject: When Robots Don't Shut Up [ Zorzi + Giuliano ]   When Robots Don't Shut Up [ Zorzi + Giuliano ] EmptyWed Apr 10, 2013 12:08 am

"You know if you--"


"But if you---"

"Zorzi, Shut up," Giuliano snapped, eyes not lifting from the bolt before him as he tightened it until he was done. He still couldn't decide if he was regretting buying this maintenance android or not. Given everything he got for the price it'd no doubt been a steal-- but was it really worth the near constant annoyance. At least with his so called learning ability he'd (very) slowly started to realize when he was getting annoyed and give up talking to him. Either that or he'd just learned that Giuliano was too stubborn to listen to a robot on how to do his job. But Giuliano didn't want to think that. He was happy thinking that he didn't meet what he was designed for. 'Minimal disruption to humans' his ass.

Once he was certain he was finished he stood up, stretching his back a little. Honestly, he'd seen little point in going to the debriefing since, as ship maintenance, it was his job was to make sure the ship worked and that there was nothing wrong with take off. Which there hadn't been. Just a few loose-ish bolts. And, in turn, Zorzi had also not shown up to it.

"I could have done that for you, you know," Zorzi hummed, voice being one of the only things that was clearly not human about him. Apart from his hands opening and revealing tools and the fact that his skin felt nowhere near as realistic as it looked, "After all I don't feel muscle pain since I'm not organic."

"I'm not an invalid, Zorzi, I can tighten a bolt by myself," He scowled, finding the other's constant smile even more antagonistic towards him, "Are there any other problems you can see?"

"Why did you buy an android if you're not going to put it to use whenever possible?" He asked, tilting his head at him, "And not that I can see."

"Because, you're more like a really advanced screwdriver, I use you when you need to," He scowled, still not happy about having to explain himself to a tin can, "Go check over by the door incase anyone shows up." The android nodded, turning around and walking over to the door, quickly examining the workings of the ship as he went and waiting over by the entrance for either Giuliano to finish whatever he was doing or for someone to come in.
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When Robots Don't Shut Up [ Zorzi + Giuliano ] Empty
PostSubject: Re: When Robots Don't Shut Up [ Zorzi + Giuliano ]   When Robots Don't Shut Up [ Zorzi + Giuliano ] EmptySat Apr 13, 2013 12:00 am

It was Broos' job to take over the work his brother decided wasn't worth the time. Taking care of the ship was surely worth the man's time-- between that and flying it Broos was almost sure his brother had nothing else in his life. Their mother (who lived in a colony that voluntarily lives without electricity outside the city) seemed okay with Diederik not marrying-- the ship was his wife, really. Had there been no one else in the hull, or on the ship, it probably would have been Diederik fixing it himself. But it seemed his repulsion to speaking to people had made the responsibility of making sure all components ran correctly to Broos.

Too bad he didn't really know the mechanics of the thing. He just thought the hydraulics were quite aesthetically pleasing, and he came down to sketch them quite often.

The hull was hot and loud, and he was lost to recovering his senses for a moment, not seeing the android waiting by the door. Once he saw the man... Robot... He wasn't sure-- he jumped, dropping his clipboard. It went clamoring to the metal floor, causing even more of a noise. "Jesus Christ...!" He rasped breathlessly.

"Are you the one getting the ship prepared...?"
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When Robots Don't Shut Up [ Zorzi + Giuliano ] Empty
PostSubject: Re: When Robots Don't Shut Up [ Zorzi + Giuliano ]   When Robots Don't Shut Up [ Zorzi + Giuliano ] EmptySat Apr 13, 2013 9:21 am

Zorzi blinked at hearing the noise, having not been facing the door as he entered. Giuliano on the other hand just leaned back to catch a glimpse of who had just entered before leaning forward again to get back to work checking the pressure in one of the pipes.

After a brief pause the android smiled again, quickly bending down to pick up the other's clipboard and holding out it out for him once he'd straightened out again. "Here you go, I apologise if I startled you~" He hummed, bowing his head to him briefly before just tilting his head at him. "... Do you mean me or Giuliano?"

The other Italian just scowled a little, making the cut it out hand sign to get him to shut up. He was far too busy to want to talk to people! Or maybe he was just too anti-social, either way he didn't want to talk to the guy. Zorzi looked over at him for a moment, face contorting into a look of confusion, something he'd copied from him after watching him try to figure out some currency conversion rates. The face went as quickly as it came as he turned back to the Dutchman. Giuliano was certain he'd done that on purpose to stop him getting away with not talking to the guy.

"I'm one of the ones getting the ship prepared~ It's nice to meet you, sir!" He held out a hand to shake, smile still unchanged on his face, "I apologise for my co-worker, he is a little... Unfond of people..."
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When Robots Don't Shut Up [ Zorzi + Giuliano ] Empty
PostSubject: Re: When Robots Don't Shut Up [ Zorzi + Giuliano ]   When Robots Don't Shut Up [ Zorzi + Giuliano ] EmptySat Apr 13, 2013 5:28 pm

"Thanks--" he took back the clipboard, composing himself again. "And I'm not sure, I haven't learned everyone's name yet."

The man with all the tools gave a look that he was all too familiar with. Maybe Diederik would get along with him after all. He shook the androids hand, noticing that it wasn't warm at all. "Nice to meet you, too-- I'm Ambroos. I wanted to make sure everything was set for launch. That's Giuliano--" He'd figured that much out. "And you are...?"
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When Robots Don't Shut Up [ Zorzi + Giuliano ] Empty
PostSubject: Re: When Robots Don't Shut Up [ Zorzi + Giuliano ]   When Robots Don't Shut Up [ Zorzi + Giuliano ] EmptySat Apr 13, 2013 6:12 pm

"You're welcome!" He grinned, "I'm sure it must be hard for you to learn all those names. I am a San Marco brand maintenance and service android, called the 'Zunàr Ordégno e Zogàtolo Incalmadór version 2, but I'm usually just refered to as Zorzi, since I'd imagine it's not easy for most people to say."

Giuliano sighed, finally getting up and walking over to them, twitching at being a good eight inches shorter than the man before him and holding out a hand to shake, "You must be Dutch," he snorted, "Everything's working properly, so there's no need to worry about that... And feel free to tell Zorzi to shut up if he annoys you. He usually does it... Usually. Now if you'll excuse me," he started, stuffing his hands in his pockets as soon as he had his hand back and heading back over to where he'd been working before, "I'm going to get back to work."

The android just paused, looking over at him as he walked off, "I'd like to say he's usually nicer... But he's not."
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When Robots Don't Shut Up [ Zorzi + Giuliano ] Empty
PostSubject: Re: When Robots Don't Shut Up [ Zorzi + Giuliano ]   When Robots Don't Shut Up [ Zorzi + Giuliano ] EmptySat Apr 13, 2013 8:45 pm

"Zorzi." He repeated... Although with his own accent it was a bit difficult to get the 'z's to sound right.

Finally the mechanic walked up. Broos shook his hand with a raised eyebrow. "What do you mean, 'must be Dutch'?" He *did* have a name.

But before he knew it, the man was gone. "Wait!" He jogged after him, the mechanics of his metal leg whirring with each stride. "Can you sign off on this checklist?" Diederik had a bad habit of beating up on his brother when he didn't do things right. And when he did do things right. And when he wasn't doing anything at all.
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When Robots Don't Shut Up [ Zorzi + Giuliano ] Empty
PostSubject: Re: When Robots Don't Shut Up [ Zorzi + Giuliano ]   When Robots Don't Shut Up [ Zorzi + Giuliano ] EmptySat Apr 13, 2013 9:04 pm

"I was referring to your height. I barely reach your nose," He snorted, glancing back at him as he followed with a scowl. He stopped at hearing the sound of whirring, assuming it was coming from one of the machines and glancing around them only to realise they were getting closer.

Giuliano paused, pulling a near identical face to the look the android had given him a few moments ago. "You got a mechanical leg?" He asked, barely registering that it might be a sensitive topic and staring at it for a moment before his eyes went back up to the other's face and raising an eyebrow at him.

"What checklist?" He aked, holding out a hand to take it from him regardless, tilting his head to see the robot behind him, "And you-- There's a few panels over there that could do with rewelding, make yourself useful."

The Android just smiled, saluting him briefly before quickly going off to the other side of the room to do as he was told.
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When Robots Don't Shut Up [ Zorzi + Giuliano ] Empty
PostSubject: Re: When Robots Don't Shut Up [ Zorzi + Giuliano ]   When Robots Don't Shut Up [ Zorzi + Giuliano ] EmptySat Apr 13, 2013 11:09 pm

"Yeah, but I don't think that's particularly funny." He replied, a bit confused and unamused. Add another tally to the Dutch score. He didn't care if anyone stared at his leg, really. If it made an audible noise when he moved then there was no real reason to make a secret of it. The reason why he got it, though, had reasons. "Yes." He replied to the other man's question. "Please don't ask. Anyway, we need you to sign off on this-- it's a government sponsored voyage so they want to avoid any liability for lives lost due to faulty mechanics on the ship." But lives lost anywhere else was okay. "And I need to show this to my brother. He wants to make sure you're not shit at your job."
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When Robots Don't Shut Up [ Zorzi + Giuliano ] Empty
PostSubject: Re: When Robots Don't Shut Up [ Zorzi + Giuliano ]   When Robots Don't Shut Up [ Zorzi + Giuliano ] EmptySun Apr 14, 2013 12:10 am

"Who said you needed to find it funny?" He asked bluntly. After all, the butt of the joke wasn't expected to find it funny unless they are a good sport. "You should try and find that Australian kid or whatever he was he's good with that kinda thing he might be able to fix it so it doesn't sound so cheaply made," He suggested, shrugging a little and taking the clipboard from him and skim reading it quickly as the other continued before it was his turn to look unamused.

"I know how to fix a ship, I used to have one myself until I had to sell it," He muttered, withholding several insults under his breath. He'd never really trusted anyone with his own ship-- so he couldn't say he couldn't see why he'd have to prove it. Still didn't make him any less offended by it, though.
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When Robots Don't Shut Up [ Zorzi + Giuliano ] Empty
PostSubject: Re: When Robots Don't Shut Up [ Zorzi + Giuliano ]   When Robots Don't Shut Up [ Zorzi + Giuliano ] EmptySun Apr 14, 2013 1:29 am

"I didn't need to find it funny." He replied back flatly. Broos was normally quite amiable-- it was when he wasn't that one could see the familial resemblance to his other siblings. "It wasn't a joke." He sucked in a breath at the man's comment about his leg, and flexed the robotic knee. "I don't think you know anything about robotic prosthetics-- this thing is top of the line."

He wasn't about to let the comment about his leg go unavenged, and when Giuliano mentioned he once piloted his own ship, Broos grinned mischievously. "Used to. You used to. You don't anymore. And this ship isn't yours. It's ours," technically only his brothers, but... "I think you'll find we have higher standards than someone who seems to know the sound of "cheap" technology all too well."
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When Robots Don't Shut Up [ Zorzi + Giuliano ] Empty
PostSubject: Re: When Robots Don't Shut Up [ Zorzi + Giuliano ]   When Robots Don't Shut Up [ Zorzi + Giuliano ] EmptySun Apr 14, 2013 9:47 am

"It was just a friendly suggestion, Amico," he scowled, crossing his arms over his chest, "'Cause you know, usually when something whirs like that it's either broken of shit quality. That or it's about to explode. You want your leg to explode, huh?"

"Ours?" He repeated with a harsh laugh. He wasn't about to let someone from a group of people known for stinginess comment on his standards, "What do you even DO on the ship, kid? But don't worry, I'd rather die before seeing a poorly maintained ship that's not up to the highest standards."

He just scowled, quickly singing his name off on the sheet and pushing it back into the other's chest harshly before turning away from him, "Now if you'll excuse me I've got work to do. You got any other questions you can ask go ask my robotic asshole of an assistant."
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When Robots Don't Shut Up [ Zorzi + Giuliano ] Empty
PostSubject: Re: When Robots Don't Shut Up [ Zorzi + Giuliano ]   When Robots Don't Shut Up [ Zorzi + Giuliano ] EmptySun Apr 14, 2013 8:07 pm

"Oh yeah? Is that what *your* ship sounded like? Did it explode, huh?" It was bad luck to provoke a 26 year old man who was stuck in a ship most of the time.

Broos had never had anyone dislike him before-- nor had he gotten anyone out of his good graces before. He kept trying to think of something to say after his clipboard was shoved into his chest, but could only think of one thing. When Giuliano turned away, Broos lifted his robotic leg and shoved the man in the back with it. He laughed patronizingly, "Does that feel cheap to you???"
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When Robots Don't Shut Up [ Zorzi + Giuliano ] Empty
PostSubject: Re: When Robots Don't Shut Up [ Zorzi + Giuliano ]   When Robots Don't Shut Up [ Zorzi + Giuliano ] EmptySun Apr 14, 2013 9:37 pm

Giuliano had already decided he didn't want to talk to him anymore-- which was further cemented as he found himself pushed forward by a heavy, metal foot in his back. He stopped for a moment whilst he let it sink in, straightening up and dusting himself off in silence. But regardless of the fact he'd insulted a disabled man's fake leg, he was not going to let him away with it unscathed.

He laughed coldly for a moment, taking the long spanner he'd been using to tighten one of the bolts a few minutes before before turning and hitting it off of the palm of his hand. "How about I show you how cheaply made it is by demonstrating how easily it breaks when you hit it hard enough with a spanner--"


Giuliano just let out a groan calming down slightly and wresting the tool on his shoulder as the robot came back over to diffuse any potential situation, standing between the two. "You can't threaten him he's the captain's brother! And he needs that leg for walking and other things organic beings do with their legs." He stopped after a moment, turning to the taller man and smiling, "I am sorry for Giuliano again!"

"I don't need a jumped up spanner to apologise for me!" He spat at the robot before just skulking off further into the engine room, muttering underhis breath in Italian.
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